Changed: Now the entire mailing list is displayed as unique member list (rather than showing one entry per member per group) |
Added: It is now easier to modify the sender address for outgoing messages, including quick access to the most recent addresses |
Added: Can now use e-mail stems for user message sending, e.g. all messages to MY_GROUP@mycompany.com are forwarded to MY_GROUP |
Changed: Improved the start up wizard |
Added: Now can sort by domain and TLD |
Added: Can now block users by country |
Added: New option to guess the user's country based on their e-mail address |
Changed: Completely rebuilt graphs and statistics dialog |
Changed: New db format |
Added: Custom Field support |
Changed: Vast improvements to import mapping feature |
Added: Can now "Lock" a group to prevent new users from joining it |
Added: Can now specify custom fields for the database |
Added: Now users can send GroupInfo command to see details on a specific group or all groups (Optionally) |
Added: Groups can now be locked to prevent users joining |
Added: Can now specify that MLK should reattempt sending of failed address when sending via the Internal server (as many times as required) |
Added: Can now specify that MLK should use standard SMTP to send to any failed address when sending via the Internal server |
Added: Now when retrieving addresses from Outlook contacts can use Categories as Groups |
Added: Importing directly from Excel Spreadsheets |
Added: Exporting directly to Excel spreadsheets |
Added: Automatic processing of read receipts |
Added: New database fields for when the user last read a message and how many messages they have read |
Added: Can now view the entire history for a user (when subscribed, sent messages, received messages, etc) |
Added: Can now use the Outlook/Outlook Express stationery file within MailList King |
Added: Can now add your own stationery/HTML templates |
Added: FAST multithreaded sending via SMTP server |
Added: Internal SMTP server now much more reliable with multiple send attempts, including optional final send via standard SMTP |
Added: You can now create personalized auto-responding rules to send messages in response to messages that match certain rules |
Added: Can now validate e-mail addresses in your mailing list (i.e. by attempting to send to the server and then not sending) - PRO VERSION |
Changed: Optimize/Repair function has been implemented into a new Update Database function |
Added: Delete Sending Log files older than x months function in Update Database dialog |
Added: Archive DB Log records older than x months function in Update Database dialog |
Added: Delete statistics records older than x months function in Update Database dialog |
Added: Delete Completed Sending Tasks older than x months function in Update Database dialog |
Added: Now there are separate actions available when a user specifies an invalid group when subscribing or unsubscribing |
Changed: Modified message headers to avoid encoding that might flag anti-Spam software |
Added: Can now change the properties of the selected image in the message editor (change border, alignment, etc) |
Added: Can now specify custom fields as personalization fields in a message |
Added: Database now stores a record of when and how many messages have been sent to/by the user |
Added: Can now specify and build your own custom filters |
Added: Can now specify an e-mail address to send acknowledgments related to failures to |
Added: Much faster retrieval of folders from Outlook as folder list is only filled as expand each node |
Added: Now easier to access and change the sender address for messages |
Added: New option in send message dialog to edit the message in the default HTML editor |
Added: New option in send message dialog to edit the plain text body of the message |
Added: New option in send message dialog to edit the HTML source |
Added: Fax Field |
Added: Request Read Receipts and Automatically Process Read Receipts to Advanced options |
Added: Now remembers the Hide Completed check box status in the View Sending tasks window |
Added: Sending log can now be displayed while messages are being delivered |
Added: Better handling of MAPI message counting to deal with never-ending retrievals under Outlook Express |
Added: Always explicitly logs off from a MAPI session |
Changed: When manually inserting send recipient list it now displays rejected address before sending and allows sending to be cancelled |
Added: Now guesses the first and last name for manually pasted addresses (in SMTP format) |
Added: Warning when there are no unsent recipients remaining when choose to save them |
Fixed: Duplicate progress messages when sending via SMTP |
Changed: Database format completely redone for greater speed and storage efficiency |
Removed: Delete All Entries menu item (now is better to use functions in Group Options) |
Removed: Merge All Entries menu item (now is better to use functions in Group Options) |
Added: Now can sort by twelve fields even if database isn't cached |
Added: Can now navigate the sent messages dialog using next/prior/delete |
Added: Now navigation buttons in reprocess error dialog are disabled if movement unavailable |
Added: Multiple selection and processing in Errors dialog |
Changed: Improved layout of process addresses dialog |
Changed: Folder scanning available even in the unregistered version |
Added: Retrieve from folders function now allows selection of a single file |
Added: Better handling of variables in the retrieve from message folders dialog |
Added: Can now scan addresses from mail or file folders and add them directly to your Blocked Addresses List |
Added: Can now override the character set and content encoding of messages |
Added: Main graph can now optionally display only unique entries, rather than total entries |
Added: Now all database fields (including custom fields) can be used to personalize messages |
Added: Support for new and custom fields to exporting |
Changed: Improved formatting of export files |
Added: Better checking for existing file names when exporting |
Added: Can now cancel importation |
Added: Now when importing it detects whether the import file has multiple columns or not |
Added: Now warns when importing files it warns you if the fields have not been mapped |
Added: New menu item allows a back up to commence immediately from a back up file |
Changed: Now main graph is updated to the most recent records |
Changed: Increased SMTP server time out to 120 seconds |
Changed: Default SMTP server connection threads to five |
Added: Now even regular sends use the Send Tasks functionality from greater stability, editing of tasks, resending, etc. |
Changed: Improved the message heading when scheduled messages are being processed |
Added: User ID Field |
Changed: Now when resending a message from the send log it uses the current selection (rather than the original recipients) |
Added: Now setup wizard allows you to select a sending and retrieval method as well. POP and SMTP Settings are only requested if needed |
Added: Setup Wizard now detects your email software |
Changed: Setup wizard can now be activated later and not modify any settings |
Added: Now when retrieving contacts can choose to only return the main address for each recipient |
Added: Glyphs to options tabs |
Added: Now remembers the fields that are selected in the retrieve addresses from message folders dialog |
Added: Can now automatically process folders to retrieve addresses from messages (for adding, removing or processing as bounces) |
Added: Now remembers how many messages have been sent to each group in the database and when |
Added: Now displays the member count for each group in the main group list |
Changed: Better method of sending subscribe info commands |
Added: Can now double click a group name to see full statistics for that group |
Added: New custom filter: Users belonging to multiple groups |
Added: New custom filter: Users not emailed since... |
Added: Graphics to many drop down lists and tab controls |
Changed: No longer unfilters the entire database when displaying another dialog |
Fixed: May encounter error if select Reset Bounce count for all entries |
Added: Now remembers the selected filter under Custom Filter tab |
Added: Now double-clicking the schedule icon in the status bar starts the next sending task |
Added: Clicking Ctrl+T starts the next sending task |
Added: Can now multiple select images to insert into a message |
Changed: Now when updating old e-mail addresses (MODIFY command) and the new email address already exists the groups of the old address are copied to the new one, and the old address deleted |
Added: Can now specify users (when unsubscribing, searching, etc) by UserID rather than e-mail address |
Added: Can now specify a description for groups |
Changed: Now group statistics and general statistics share the same table |
Added: Can now show/hide columns using a menu item |
Added: Now can add a custom comment to contacts |
Added: Now remembers the action you last used in the process addresses dialog |
Changed: If the backup on exit option is enabled it now also backs up when closing a database (to open a new one) |
Added: Now warns you before closing options if valid SMTP details have not been set and offers the chance to set them |
Added: Now can block users who have unsubscribed, just from that group or from the entire mailing list |
Added: for custom bounce filter can now specify the number of bounces |
Added: Custom filter to display users who have sent numerous messages |
Added: Full color tray icon under Windows XP |
Changed: Improved the checkbox column to make it more accessible |
Added: In Edit User Record can now send a subscription report to the user |
Added: Can now block users from attaching files that are forwarded to other users |
Added: Link in menu to tutorial |
Changed: Now displays message after click OK if a valid message/contacts folder is not selected in an outlook folder retrieval dialog |
Changed: Now don't display an error message for unavailable PST files |
Added: In user's group list displays the date that the user joined the group |
Added: Improved compatibility when sending via SMTP with embedded images |
Added: Now on last task in the schedule it shows the correct number of messages left to send, rather than the number to send per batch |
Changed: Now when exporting to CSV format it forces the comma as a delimiter |
Removed: Prompting for the export type before exporting |
Added: Now when creating a new folder it changes the selection to the new folder |
Changed: Better internal handling of the clipboard |
Added: Now displays warning when attempting to embed images with identical filenames into a message |
Added: Now read-receipt is supported even when sending via SMTP |
Added: Confirmation of deletion of single users can be disabled |
Removed: Exclusive database option is not longer accessible via the UI |
Added: Displays date of the last message sent by admin |
Added: Four new filters related to reading of messages by user |
Added: Can now specify a period for which automatic processing is disabled |
Added: Outputs some unexpected errors when debugging is enabled |
Added: Now can optionally display a summary when a message completes sending |
Removed: Send logging option (now always logs unless db logging is disabled) |
Removed: Superfluous archive logs larger than x KB option |
Removed: Clear all entries option from the log and errors dialog |
Added: Now when delete an entry from the send log it removes the associated send log file (with all details of the sending) |
Added: Improved wording of sending log |
Changed: Now maintains the entire log even when sending a message in batches |
Added: Hints to the labels display in the main window |
Changed: Now doesn't display sender address retrieval errors when using Extended MAPI |
Changed: Much faster exporting of textual data (e.g. when saving unsent recipients to file) and logging |
Changed: Now formats member numbers with thousands separators |
Added: Now remembers the last ten used sender addresses |
Added: Now for the To address you can specify a display name |
Added: Now remembers the last ten used To addresses |
Added: Now when specifying extra To, CC or BCC recipients for a message can include a display name |
Added: Improved layout of message recipients dialog |
Added: Can now retrieve exclusion list from e-mail software folders |
Added: Warning if specify manual recipients option but do not provide any recipients |
Added: Image selection dialog in Message send dialog now displays all images as thumbnails |
Changed: Now when manually specifying addresses to send to, it checks rejected addresses as they are added rather than at send time (so they can be edited) |
Changed: Now always uses full SMTP addresses (e.g. Nigel Cross ) internally |
Added: Addresses shown in the To or CC field now show with their full name |
Fixed: Now always breaks long lines in HTML import files |
Fixed: Now ampersands in URL's are not replaced by & |
Fixed: Add Recipients dialog too tall for 800x600 system |
Added: Now MLK message files store custom plain text body |
Added: Can now display contacts deleted by the administrator |
Fixed: May get formatting problem after using spell checker on plain text |
Changed: Configuration data and database now saved to Windows Application Data folder |
Added: Now internal SMTP server supports staggered sending (delay between sending of each message) |
Added: Internal SMTP Server now supports custom plain text bodies |
Added: Can now limit the display the main graph to unique group members |
Added: Can now display a logging window while a sending is underway |
Removed: Obsolete "Obtaining your DNS Address" link |
Changed: Can now override the X-Mailer setting when sending via SMTP |
Added: Now when filtering the database it shows the percentage of the total database displayed (as value in status bar) |
Fixed: Sometimes get unnecessary MSHTML prompt to save warning in HTML message editor |
Changed: Now uses database table for internal handling of forwarding lists (for user sent messages) |
Fixed: In a rare situation the body background file might not be embedded correctly |
Added: The action for a web form message can now be set to "NONE" if a user should not be added to the database (useful only for auto-responder functionality) |
Added: Now when sending automated messages it always displays the name in the email to address |
Added: Now when sending double-optin reminders the subject line is prefixed with "REMINDER" |
Added: Now remembers selected control option in the current tab on close down |
Added: New filters to display addresses that are valid or have failed validation |
Changed: Now deletes old back up files when optimizing the database using the update Database tool |
Changed: Improved layout of the menu |
Changed: Minor improvements to layout of progress dialog |
Added: New option allows you to reset the bounce count for a user if no sending errors are encountered within x months |
Changed: Now the reply name for forwarded messages is set to the name of the group |
Added: Can now reprocess an entire selection of items in the errors dialog by ignoring MLK blocking rules |
Changed: Now more consistent naming of group contacts throughout the software as "members" |
Changed: Shortcut to change group is now Ctrl+G |
Added: Shortcut (Ctrl+L) to re-open the last message that was sent |
Changed: Now only loads each database table in errors dialog as displayed |
Changed: Now prevents the user from specifying the following chars in group names: | , " * < > '' [ ] = & @ ? / \ : |
Changed: Now when a web form contains a field twice and one is blank it uses the field value that is specified |
Added: Improved styling of Message Retrieval dialog |
Added: Animation to Message Retrieval dialog |
Changed: Now message details are always displayed in the Message Retrieval dialog |
Changed: No longer shows non-functional progress dialog when retrieving messages via SMAPI |
Added: Can now double click log entries to view full details |
Added: Now when warned about a feature not being available in the unregistered information, you can choose to display order info |
Added: Now position and size of Active sending tasks dialog is remembered |
Added: HTML and XML file types to those available in the "Retrieve addresses from folder" function |
Changed: Improved the layout of many dialogs |
Changed: Does not prompt for a correct group name during processing of subscribes, for errors related to spaces found in e-mail addresses |
Changed: Retrieve settings from Outlook in startup wizard is now just a link |
Added: Now writes the application version to the send log |
Changed: Outlook 2003 graphics in retrieve from outlook folders dialog |
Changed: No longer display unsupported folder types (tasks, notes, etc) in retrieve from outlook folders dialog |
Fixed: Can appear to edit the folder names in folder tree of outlook |
Changed: Replaced HTML editing component |
Added: Redo button to Rich Text message toolbar |
Added: Full justify button to Rich Text message toolbar |
Added: Now warns during installation/uninstallation if the app is still running |
Added: New installation script with significantly smaller download size |
Fixed: MSHTML.DLL Access Violation that could occur with some versions of Internet Explorer |
Changed: Now all Outlook units share MAPI Login function |
Fixed: In some situations the NameSpace objects is left assigned |
Added: Much better routine for guessing the first and last name from a full name |
Added: Now when generating full name from first and last name the individual name parts are capitalized |
Fixed: In some rare situations where the DB fails to load on start up the settings might be saved without having been loaded |
Added: Now waits five seconds before starting a scheduled sending on start up |
Changed: Now when retrieving items from contacts it always uses the Outlook default contacts folder |
Added: Now automatically fills the default Outlook Contacts folder in the export to Outlook Distribution list dialog |
Fixed: User count display may not update after manually adding contacts (incl. from Outlook folders) |
Added: Now when specifying an invalid address using modify e-mail address function it allows you to ignore MLK blocking rules |
Fixed: If specify that don't want to overwrite a file when exporting window closes without letting a new name be specified |
Added: Now in Open DB dialog it shows the number of members |
Fixed: After deleting the last displayed record in the Edit Member dialog the dialog was not closing |
Added: Now all group selection combos auto-fill as you type |
Added: Can now show all removed addresses at once in Errors dialog |
Changed: Now when adding recipients from a text file it does not clear the existing recipients |
Changed: Now when adding recipients from an Outlook folder it does not clear the existing recipients |
Added: Clear All button to manual recipients dialog |
Added: Now when adding addresses to blocked list, it converts any that are in SMTP format |
Added: More explicit warning if attempting to restart a sending task that has already completed |
Added: Can now manually terminate specific threads when sending via the Internal Server or multi-threaded SMTP |
Added: Can now specify the time-out during a send via the Internal Server or multi-threaded SMTP |
Fixed: May get weird issues if set schedules too far into the future |
Added: Improved methods for editing and creating new users |
Fixed: Incorrect sorting of folder tree under XP |
Fixed: If option not set clear new user field when sending is not set then user send count is not incremented |
Added: New glyph column to main graph showing status of users (new/many bounces/many sends/normal) |
Added: Now all grids remember their layout settings |
Added: Glyph status column to sending tasks grid |
Added: Glyph type column to grid |
Added: Glyph type column to sending log grid |
Added: Glyph column to group statistics grid |
Added: Glyph column to group activity grid |
Updated: Now uses new Xequte registration handling method |
Added: Now registered versions of MLK4 and MLK5 can run on the same system |
Changed: Now messages forwarded using the retrieval tasks function are sent using the Admin address (option can be disabled in settings.ini) |
Changed: In Select Groups tab it now does not display groups until a search button is clicked |
Added: Now the database log (View>Log) is filtered by month |
Added: Error checking for unregistered IE editing DLLs |
Changed: Select Group box width now resizes to available width |
Added: Hourglass while preparing options |
Added: Automatic searching of groups under the select groups tab is now optional |
Changed: Logging option has now been changed to a "Disable all logging" option |
Added: Hidden option to also update all membership counts for uses when optimizing the database |
Changed: Now when sending automated messages (acknowledgments, etc) it always specifies the users name in the To address |
Changed: Now never changes the OLE reply address unless user specifically sets the option to allow overriding |
Fixed: Change sending method option is not shown when editing sending tasks |
Fixed: Check/Uncheck buttons are shown for the incorrect filter under custom filters |
Fixed: Sometimes count displayed in status bar is not up-to-date |
Fixed: Not all options are enabled when enabling user sending |
Added: UserID field to user record dialog |
Fixed: Incorrect message error displayed when specify a custom field that contains an invalid character |
Changed: Now when inserting personalized fields it clears the default to address (as the recipient address will go in the to field) |
Fixed: Attachments panel not displayed when loading a message with attachments |
Fixed: Can add duplicate attachments |
Fixed: When overwriting a message with attachments the attachments from the old message are inherited |
Added: Shift+Ctrl+R to re-register all of the DLL's that MLK uses |
Added: If error detected displaying the send dialog it prompts to register MLK's DLL's |
Added: Glyphs to group checklistbox in main window |
Added: Glyphs to group checklistbox in Select group membership dialog |
Added: Glyphs to group checklistbox in edit member dialog |
Added: Glyphs to group checklistbox in export distribution list dialog |
Added: Glyphs to Tasks checklistbox in edit tasks dialog |
Changed: No longer exports the message body when exporting the send log (as HTML source can cause problems for Excel) |
Removed: Non-searchable Insertion Details field |
Fixed: Issues parsing web forms with similarly named fields |
Added: Address details to SubscribeInfo record |
Changed: Import map dialog now has a cancel option |
Changed: Wording of sending method in options |
Changed: Edited all data that is output to the send log |
Fixed: Images within messages maintain their original path and may appear as attachments |
Fixed: When cancel out of Set Schedule settings dialog, it closes the Message Editing window |
Fixed: When there are no recipients for a message when scheduled sending it still closes the Message Editing window |
Changed: Now remembers the Base URL path when viewing a scheduled or logged message (so can view images even if they used relative paths) |
Added: Now displays warning text in recipient box if there are no database recipients listed |
Added: Now remembers the settings in the retrieve from file folders dialog |
Added: Now remembers the default tab in Edit Member dialog |
Added: Now remembers the last export filename used |
Changed: Now if (un)subscribe a user to multiple groups using comma, then double opt-in messages are sent for each group separately |
Added: New option to allows you to automatically create any new groups encountered without prompting |
Changed: Now when importing it creates all new groups encountered without prompting |
Changed: Now if a user belongs to multiple groups and the option is specified to use the user's group when forwarding, the message is forwarded to all the groups the user belongs to |
Added: Hidden option allowing you to skip certain domains when sending via Internal Server (so they are sent via SMTP) |
Added: Now remembers the currently selected tab in the Statistics and Errors dialogs |
Changed: Now much faster at performing functions when only one record is selected |
Added: MLK now fixes Outlook base class definitions if they are not defined |
Changed: Content of help tab is now centered in the window |
Added: Can now specify in advanced options how many messages a member must send or be sent to have star or double star status |
Changed: Help file now in CHM (HTML) format, not WinHelp |
Fixed: Progress display may not be hidden after a repair |
Added: Confirmation dialog if trying to open MLK without an open database |
Added: MLK UI is locked if open MLK without an open database |
Changed: Now all columns display ellipses if the text is too wide for the column |
Added: Shortcut Alt+G to create a new group |
Added: All compatible HTML editing shortcuts to plain text editor |
Changed: FAQ now only links to the online version (no local copy) |
Added: Can now type a path into the open DB dialog |
Added: Open DB dialog now offers a drop down list of recent database paths |
Added: Now remembers the selected fields when exporting |
Added: Now remember all fields when print mailing lists |
Fixed: May not be able to edit the heading when printing your mailing list |
Fixed: Difficult to cancel importation |
Added: Now search tab resizes controls to better match window size |
Added: Option to add extra text to the buttons on the message editing toolbar |
Changed: Storage section of some settings |
Added: Ctrl+Shift+I to display DB and Settings folders |
Added: Shortcut to create a new user |
Changed: Layout of menus |
Added: Extra buttons to main toolbar |
Added: Help Link in Errors dialog |
Added: New automatic back up option: Once a day |
Updated: Extended MAPI library DLL to address some issues with Outlook 2003 |
Removed: CDO sending option |
Added: better log reporting when sending automated messages e.g. if the message file or e-mail address is invalid |
Changed: No longer displays error dialog if a problem is encountered sending opt-in messages |
Fixed: Outlook sometimes takes a long time to close after MLK has accessed it |
Changed: Sending methods wording |
Changed: Improved display of folders when retrieving from message folders using MAPI |
Added: No longer displays warning if you delete messages from an Outlook folder while MLK is accessing it * |
Fixed: Wasn't locking group list boxes while adding items to them * |
Fixed: When rename group it may not be updated in the main window * |
Added: Warning if specify same folder for incoming messages and as a destination for moving messages after checking * |