Address Blocking Options
Address Blocking
Specify any addresses or domains that can never be added to your mailing list.
For example, if you specify:
Then or any address from will be blocked from joining your mailing list.
If your mailing list is specific to particular countries then you can specify the countries that can subscribe. If you are using a web form you can require the user to specify their country of origin. For standard e-mails MailList King determines a user's country from the TLD of their e-mail address.
Specify whether members who have unsubscribed (and are listed in the Removed Members list under "History" in the main window) can be added back into the mailing list (you can block them just from rejoining the group they unsubscribed or you can block them from the entire mailing list)
Specify whether MailList King will check that the "Top Level Domain" (e.g. com, .ca or .uk) is known
Specify any exception text; if the address contains the entered text it will not be inserted.
For example, you might block common text specified for fake addresses, such as nothanks and asdf, or block top level domains, such as ".edu"
Note: Rejected addresses are added to the "Processing Errors" list (under "History"
in the main window) and can be reviewed, and reprocessed if necessary.
See Also