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Hello. I need some advice. Who knows - are there any bookmakers that accept bets in cryptocurrency? In particular I am interested in Tether, as I have some amount in this currency
What's the point? Well, will you accept such a currency? It is not known at what rate they will calculate. It's not certain that the exchange rate will be favorable, so you can lose a lot of money on the exchange rate difference.
Maybe it is easier for you to find a profitable exchanger, sell cryptocurrency and bet on the dollars received there? It would be much more profitable as it seems to me.
In fact, the question is debatable. The whole point is that if the bookmaker will convert cryptocurrency, it really will not be profitable. But you can look for a bookmaker that accepts bets in Tether and pays out winnings in this very currency without taking into account any conversion. Here you can find out all the details about Tether betting: .