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 DVD PixPlay
 Can't add images after cancelling an addition
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Posted - Sep 15 2018 :  03:35:53  Show Profile  Reply
Having searched this forum, I can't find an answer to this issue.

I was loading some images to a slide show and decided to cancel the addition as I realised I was loading RAW images which I hadn't edited.

I have since tried to add the edited images as a bulk and also as individuals. The screen flickers briefly, but the images don't load.

I then decided to create a completely new slide show and no images will add. Again a brief screen flicker is all that occurs. I have shut down DVD Pixplay and restarted it as well as restarting the computer (Macbook Pro running Windows Parallels and Windows 7) This shouldn't be any issue as I've made several slide shows since I bought this computer.

I haven't uninstalled and reinstalled DVD PixPlay in case I loose the current slide show - It is saved to an external hard drive so that shouldn't happen - but Murphy's Law is running here!

Has anyone had this problem and solved it?





7504 Posts

Posted - Sep 15 2018 :  17:01:21  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Rob

Given that you have done all the sensible things, restarting, testing a new slideshow, etc, I don't know that the cancellation is the cause. Have you tested other sources, e.g. smaller JPEG images from a different source folder?

I don't think reinstalling would help, but you could try deleting the DVD PixPlay registry folder (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xequte\DVD PixPlay) if you want to reset its state.

Xequte Software

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