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 Slideshow voice

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stanley Posted - Jun 05 2018 : 05:30:30
Can I add my own voice to my slideshow?


2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Robiairty Posted - Jul 04 2018 : 15:31:17
Thanks for the info.

xequte Posted - Jun 05 2018 : 15:38:38
Yes, you can.

Firstly, arrange all your photos and timing until you are satisified.

Then select Slideshow Properties, Music tab. Ensure that you have a microphone plugged into your computer and click the "Record Now" button. One of the options offered will be to record the narration while previewing the slideshow. The slideshow will start and you can commence speaking.

Xequte Software