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» You don't need to also e-mail us separately as our support team will respond to all questions on this forum
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T O P I C R E V I E W |
fhsaatech |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 08:24:25 Hi,
I purchased a license for Mail List King, but when i try to enter the code on my evaluation version, it tells me that I need to download a different version to enter the code.
So, ow do I download the software?
When I go to http://www.xequte.com/support/downloadhelp/index.html, the download graphic is not hyperlinked, and the download on http://www.xequte.com/maillistking/download.html only goes to the evaluation version of the software (which doesn't let me input a SN)
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
xequte |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 16:04:50 Hi
After purchase you should have been provided a special download link. If you did not receive this please check your spam folder and/or complete the following form:
Nigel Xequte Software www.xequte.com nigel@xequte.com
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