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 MailList King
 URGENT Help Needed with MLK Reload!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LifePoint Posted - Aug 24 2009 : 00:17:18
Our PC crashed hard this week and I'm in the process of reinstalling all our programs onto a brand new PC. We are registered users of MLK and are in desperate need of getting it installed on the new computer and somehow importing all our settings and mailing lists. We do have a backup copy of our old system including all our MLK folders and files. But would anyone be so kind as to tell me the best steps to take to import everything related to MLK onto our new PC? Do we simply install MLK first, re-enter our registration code, then copy certain files from our MLK backup over the files on the new PC?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help us here!!!

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Aug 26 2009 : 14:26:29
Hi Phil

Run MailList King on the old machine and click Ctrl+Shift+I. This will display the two important folders for MailList King (configuration and database). Copy the folders and their contents to the same location on your new computer, then install MailList King and enter your registration details.

Xequte Software