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 too many emails

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fitz219a Posted - Feb 29 2009 : 15:25:21
my isp is threatening to cut me off because i send too many emails how can i get around this problem
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Mar 02 2009 : 02:10:18

MLK includes its own mail server which allows you to send your messages without using the mail server of your ISP. This would stop you getting into trouble from them with regards to your sending.

However some mail servers will block messages that they recognize as originating from a local mail server (such as MLK's SMTP server). So to reach all your recipients you would need to use one of the automatic options that sends all failed messages via normal SMTP on the last attempt. For this your ISP's mail server would be used, or alternatively you could use a third party mail service such as or Gmail.

To enable the SMTP Server, select it under View>Options, Sending.

Xequte Software