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T O P I C R E V I E W |
kullboys |
Posted - Mar 21 2018 : 03:20:06 How do i make my slideshow so i can navigate it with the |< and >| button on the remote?
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
xequte |
Posted - May 19 2018 : 22:18:12 Hi
To specify the start of a DVD chapter right-click the thumbnail in the main window and select the "Start of DVD chapter" option. It will be displayed in DVD PixPlay as a red line between the frame thumbnails.
If no chapters are specified then DVD PixPlay will create its own chapter breaks which are evenly distributed at a frequency that depends on the number of images in the show.
Nigel Xequte Software www.xequte.com nigel@xequte.com |
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