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T O P I C R E V I E W |
raywaller |
Posted - Nov 17 2012 : 20:10:05 I have constructed a multi-show sldeshow. All of my slideshows display correctly in Preview, with both captions and music displayed. When I try to burn the dvd, I receive an error message - 'access_status_violation'. I have tested esch of my shows at stage 2 of the burning process, but receive inconsistent results. Sometimes a show is accepted and plays correctly; at another test only minutes later, the same show plays, with captions. but without any music playing. Can anyone help? |
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
xequte |
Posted - Nov 20 2012 : 01:29:25 Hi Ray
I just got your email saying you've resolved the issue, so please let us know if you have further problems.
Nigel Xequte Software www.xequte.com nigel@xequte.com
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