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 DVD PixPlay
 Adding PixPlay project onto Apple iTouch

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Retiree Posted - Jul 07 2010 : 22:33:40
There is now a way in which you can play DVD PixPlay projects on Apple devices such as the the iPod, iTouch and iPad. I've done it on the iTouch and it works well (except the pictures are a bit small). I can imagine that it would be fantatsic to see a project play on the iPad, ushering in project portability. If anyone is interested in this, I can let you know how I did it.


Kind Regards

Nigel Nelson
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Jan 28 2013 : 02:04:42
Hi John

It would be something like:

1. Select File > Burn Slideshow to Disk

2. Set Slideshow Format to "Other Video File"

3. Click on "Next"

4. Specify Video Options: Format is "Custom Format", Video Size is default and Video-Type is "MPEG-4"

5. Select "Next"

6. Select "Save to Video File" option, and choose a folder to output your file to

7. Once generated, connect your Android phone

8. Display the memory card of your phonne in Windows Explorer

9. Copy the file from 6 to a folder on your phone

Xequte Software
johngg5 Posted - Jan 27 2013 : 22:49:24
Re : adding PixPlay project to Apple iTouch.

Please provide detailed set of instructions for adding both picture and video projects to display on Samsung Galaxy Tab2 10.1.

Are you considering an App for this purpose?

Looking forward to new developments this year,
Thank you
John Gilmore
xequte Posted - Jul 09 2010 : 01:31:05
Hi Fred

Nigel was having difficulty posting, so here are the details:

1. Select File > Burn Slideshow to Disk

2. Set Slideshow Format to "Other Video File"

3. Click on "Next"

4. Specify TV Format as Standard (NTSC) (or Standard (PAL))

5. Specify Video Options: Format is "Custom Format", Video Size is default and Video-Type is "MPEG-4"

6. Select "Next"

7. Refreshing Burner List is displayed (looking for a drive to burn the output to)...

8. Select "Save to Video File" option, and choose directory output file is to be stored in

9. Once generated, copy (or move) the output MP4 video to the i-Tunes permanent home

10. Open up i-Tunes and copy video to a playlist

11. Resync iTouch

Xequte Software
FredGrieve Posted - Jul 08 2010 : 23:13:25
Hi Nigel

I would be most interested in receing advice and info

Best regards

Fred Grieve