DVD PixPlay

Registered users may need to pay to upgrade their software to DVD PixPlay v2.*.  This is to help cover the costs of development and components that have been implemented into the software.

Pricing is as follows:
Users who purchased after 1 July 2004 FREE
Users who purchased versions prior to 1 July 2004 US$13.50

Some users will qualify for a free upgrade to v2.*, these are:
Beta Testers
Users who have provided suggestions for improvement or bug reports that have been implemented
Other users who have been advised that they qualify for a free upgrade

If you fit into this category please e-mail Xequte Sales to obtain a new key and INCLUDE the text of the e-mail of your suggestion or bug report, or of text where you have been advised of your qualification for a free upgrade.

Wondering why upgrades aren't free?

How to obtain your key if you qualify for a free upgrade

If we have a valid e-mail address for you then you should have been sent a new key within the first week of v4.0 release.  If you did not receive a key please complete our Key Request Form.

Upgrading your Software Online

Please select either:
Secure Online Order
  This will allow you to make your order on a secure server to avoid the risk of your details being intercepted.
Unsecured Order
  This will allow you to make an order using a standard web form. Use this form if you cannot access our secure order page.

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