DVD PixPlay
v1.* Enhancements

v1.0 Modifications
Initial Release

v1.01 Modifications
Fixed: About Box and Splash screen poorly laid on custom font systems
Fixed: Better handling of multiple instances when run called from another application
Changed: Hide "Enter Key" if user is already registered
Removed: Some "Please Order" nags
Added: Hidden option to log MPEG conversion
Added: Third party apps can now call DVD PixPlay even when installed to a custom folder
Added: Better reporting of errors that occur during MPEG generation phase
Fixed: Temporary folder settings may not be saved
Changed: Now doesn't repeat entries in the log file
Added: Select All/Unselect All buttons to transition dialogs
Changed: Image objects now referred to as clip art
Added: Limit on length of log display (to cope with win 9x versions)
Added: Support for image delay being set in third party apps
Added: Better handling of projects sent by third party apps (no save prompts or getting started advice)
Added: Disk space checking to the log file
Added: Improved display of slideshow creation progress
Added: New option to choose the preview display quality
Added: New XVCD and SXVCD creation options, the latter is hidden by default
Added: Checking for free disk space before commencement of slideshow creation
Added: Now deletes any orphaned DVD PixPlay temp files when exiting the options dialog
Added: Can now save project to an MPEG file

v1.02 Modifications
Added: Caching of sound file lengths for much faster editing
Added: Improvements to the camera wizard: now displays all connected cameras, memory cards and twain devices
Fixed: SVCD disks may be incorrectly encoded as VCD's
Fixed: VCD disks may be incorrectly encoded as VCD1 format
Fixed: Filename may be displayed on created frames even if the option is not enabled
Added: More in-depth logging of mpeg conversion
Added: PixPlay association is not written to registry
Added: New option allows you to start previews at the selected image, rather than the start
Added: Now displays a warning message when trying to open a recent file that no longer exists
Changed: Styling of selected cell in thumbnail grid
Fixed: Some weirdness when selecting multiple cells
Fixed: If have a small number of permitted transitions selected it may choose a transition at random
Fixed: Transition selection box sometimes shows a blank entry
Fixed: Saved projects may incorrectly record custom times and transitions for images
Fixed: If click save immediately after making a custom change to the delay or transition for an image it may not save
Added: Tip about using images on removable devices
Added: Now hides the tip dialog if you check the "don't show" box
Changed: Layout of Add Images dialog
Added: Graphics and better layout in list of background music files

v1.03 Modifications
Added: Standard SVCD conversion is now significantly faster (around fifteen times faster)
Added: Can now choose a high quality conversion option for SVCD conversion
Added: Displays a usage tip if you click the high quality conversion option
Added: Can now add file dates and custom text to slideshow frames
Added: Can now see a sample of the text that will be added to frames
Added: New function to play the vcd/svcd disk in the current drive
Changed: layout of menu with respect to recent files
Added: Improved the help file

v1.04 Modifications
Updated: MPEG Encoding Library

v1.05 Modifications
Added: Can now re-sort your slideshow by date, path or file name
Added: Printing of images and slideshows
Changed: Thumbnails now have curved corners
Added: Support for FVT format file lists
Added: Now when adding images to your project from a removable device it prompts whether to copy them locally
Removed: Removable device hint as it is no longer required
Added: Now saves to windows documents and settings folder
Fixed: May get a crash during encoding process on some systems
Fixed: Transitions may get cut short when preview
Fixed: Full-screens may not be quite full screen
Added: Displays a questionnaire when uninstalling
Fixed: Small images may not be stretched in edit image text dialog
Fixed: Images with text added may appear smaller than original
Fixed: Unsaved flag may not be set when editing the text of an image
Fixed: Some problems selecting USB devices
Added: New styling for the Usage Tip graphic
Added: First tip now has a link to display the tutorial

v1.06 Modifications
Fixed: Error that can arise when DVD PixPlay is first run
Added: VCD conversion speed has been further improved

v1.1 Modifications
Added: Can now include video files within a slideshow
Added: Now offered as a autoplay item on XP when attaching photo devices
Changed: Now only adds an unregistered warning to the end of a sideshow, not every frame
Changed: Increased limit in unregistered version to 50 images
Changed: No delay on display of the Registration Information dialog
Added: Warning if insert a DVD disk
Added: Logging to the test VCD procedure
Added: Can now launch a project to DVD PixPlay while it is running

v1.11 Modifications
Added: Now offers smart cropping to increase the display of images in the slideshow (i.e. reduce the border area)
Fixed: May get video slideshow warning the first time images are added to a new project
Added: Can now acquire video files from digital cameras
Fixed: Title page creation dialog may be positioned oddly
Fixed: Hide extension option for added filenames may not function
Updated: CD writing library
Changed: KB references in log are now in MB
Added: Advanced option to continue displaying the slideshow until the audio terminates
Fixed: Slideshow may not be recreated after changing settings in "Other" dialog
Changed: Some minor changes to the UI

v1.20 Modifications
Added: New MPEG format option for creating autoplaying computer disks
Added: Can now add shapes (lightning, stars, etc) to images and title pages
Added: Wide screen output option in Advanced slideshow options
Added: DVD compatible MPEG export option
Added: Ability to write MPEG videos to DVD disks
Added: Can now add a solid color background to text when creating title pages
Added: Now checks the existence of all source images, videos and sound files before commencing slideshow wizard
Update: CD writing library for greater hardware compatibility
Added: Can now specify the output quality when printing projects
Changed: Better handling of the internal aspect ratio flag to address odd display on (mainly) computer systems
Added: Now remembers the folder from which music files are retrieved
Added: Now remembers the folder from which project files are retrieved
Fixed: Clip art and label repositioning may not be started
Added: Alt+T shortcut to edit text of current image
Changed: Handling of page background in title editor
Added: Logging of ASPI file versions
Added: Now doesn't fill the speeds box until the speeds box is clicked
Changed: Now uses internal ASPI library by default
Fixed: Advanced options dialog is not centered
Added: Now saves application data to Xequte common registry area
Added: Now deletes any non-existent items in the recent projects list
Changed: Layout of File menu
Fixed: Problems with images with duplicate filenames that have text added
Fixed: Edit Text option is disabled in right-click menu
Removed: Some superfluous clip art
Changed: Color of editing grips in text editing window
Fixed: Position lost when deleting files
Added: View Work Folder Files button to options
Added: If working on project exported from DJA it now requires saving to a new filename
Added: Extra step to Create CD wizard
Added: More informative definitions of all slideshow formats
Fixed: May get transition creation error when slideshow includes 1 bit images
Added: Now uses the specified slideshow name as the volume name for the CD
Changed: Layout of add text dialog when creating title pages
Added: Create CD Wizard now displays the current step in the title bar
Fixed: Title page files (*.dpg) may grow progressively larger as they are edited

v1.21 Modifications
Fixed: May encounter error when saving a CUE file to a file
Added: Now displays warning if try to write an MPEG to disk that is larger than the space available
Changed: Status message when creating MPEG frames
Added: Now ejects MPEG disks after creation
Fixed: Nothing might be selected in MPEG format drop down list
Fixed: CD speed may show as incorrect when displaying drive info
Fixed: An image with a margin is sometimes not centered

v1.22 Modifications
Fixed: Previous button may not function when trying to create multiple copies of a VCD
Fixed: In some circumstances it may not prompt to save a project when loading another one
Added: Improved messaging with regard to insufficient space available on the disk
Added: Warning during uninstallation/upgrading if application is already running
Added: Some entries to the burn log
Fixed: Rectangles in title pages may revert to circles
Fixed: When previewing a slideshow that may contain a video the video may not be displayed for the full length
Fixed: When previewing a slideshow that may contain a video you may see the last image displayed when the video completes and the next image is shown
Added: Faster return from full-screen when a video is being played
Added: Now specifies default output filenames
Changed: Output filename path is no longer read-only
Added: Test VCD Disk function now also supports MPEG only disks created by PixPlay
Fixed: DVD PixPlay may not display projects exported from Diji Album if already running
Fixed: Default background music may be added to imported projects even if they already contain music


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