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 Gmail Backup tool
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United Kingdom
120 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2023 :  23:51:02  Show Profile  Reply
Gmail Backup tool is a standalone utility that works without Microsoft Outlook installation. it is capable of connecting with the given Gmail account. Make sure the internet is working smoothly at that time. In case, any issue occurs, click on the link displaying on the app to connect the account.the tool automatically creates a log report where you can see Folder name and Number of Messages that it is going to export.Download and launch the program on your laptop

Provide the Gmail account detail and press “Connect to Gmail Account”
Select the folder you want to export
After that click on an appropriate export option
Click on “Browse” to select the output location
Finally Click on the “Process Now” tab

Read more :- https://www.osttopstapp.com/gmail-backup.html


83 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2024 :  04:56:17  Show Profile  Reply
The SysInfo Gmail Backup Tool is considered the top choice for backing up Gmail data. Recommended by experts and IT professionals, it ensures a smooth backup process for Gmail content. This tool can export Gmail emails to various formats like PST, MSG, EML, PDF, MBOX, and more, without any risk of data loss. It prioritizes the security of file data and user login credentials, making it a dependable and secure solution. Users can back up Gmail data in bulk while preserving the original folder structure. The tool also helps users migrate Gmail to Google Workspace, Office 365, and other email providers, and allows for migration of emails within a specific date range.
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