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 Export Public Folders to PST
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Posted - Nov 24 2022 :  02:42:36  Show Profile  Reply
The essential part of communication nowadays is emailing. Hence it’s crucial to keep them safe. In most organizations, public folders are commonly used to share information; therefore, users export public folders to PST to have a backup of emails. If you want to execute the same procedure, there are two methods to perform: manual and professional. Both are different from each other, and before choosing any particular method to export public folders to PST. Let us know about the pros and cons. The manual method is complicated, tiring, and can lead to data loss. Whereas with a professional method using a tool like Shoviv EDB Recovery Tool, there are no complications, and users do not have to worry about losing any data.
It includes advanced features like Incremental export, which helps resume the task from when it was last ended and prevents your data from duplicating. The software recovers all corrupted, deleted, and inaccessible items from the Exchange mailbox. If you want to remove the undesired data and include only desired one, you can use the filter option. Besides all these functions, the software does not alter any data and hierarchy of folders. You can save the recovered EDB items into a file format like HTML, vCal, vCard, MSG, EML, etc.
You can try the tool before buying, as the software provides a free demo version and allows users to process first-fifty items per folder without cost. The tool is compatible with all versions of Exchange Server and MS Outlook. With the friendly GUI of the software, anyone can execute the task.

Read More: https://www.shoviv.com/blog/ways-to-export-exchange-public-folders-to-outlook-pst/
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