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If you want to easily convert EML files into PST file format, then you can try the software EML File Converter. This tool can easily convert EML files into PST file format. It can convert EML files into various file formats like MBOX, PST, MSG, PDF, HTML, etc. It can also convert EML files into different email clients. It provides a bulk conversion feature that allows you to convert multiple EML files into PST file format in one shot. Due to its user-friendly interface, technical and non-technical people can easily handle this tool. For more info visit:-
Install Recovery Toolbox for Outlook in Windows. Start Recovery Toolbox for Outlook. Select an PST file on the first page of the program. Select the Recovery mode mode. View the content of the PST file. Select a folder for saving recovered data. Select Click Save.
I would recommend using the MacSonik Outlook PST converter to convert PST to EML file formats in an efficient and hassle-free manner. This utility enables bulk conversion of PST files with zero alteration. Users can opt to convert selective emails of particular dates using the date range filter. The PST converter tool for Mac provides a secure and quick conversion of PST files without compromising data originality. Users can effortlessly convert PST files to 20+ different file formats and email clients.