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 How to Import OST to Outlook 365
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Posted - Dec 17 2021 :  01:47:39  Show Profile  Reply
Outlook 365 refers to MS Office 365. If you have an OST file of Outlook and you want to import it into Outlook 365 account then, you do require the step-by-step legit solution.

For Importing OST to Office 365 account there are two main methods:
1. Convert OST files to PST format, and then upload them to Office 365.
2. Import OST files directly in Office 365 using third-party tools.

The first manual approach of imparting Outlook OST files is a bit lengthy and risky. So I recommend you to follow the Software method.

Read More: https://www.cigatisolutions.com/blog/import-ost-file-into-office-365/


83 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2024 :  23:09:58  Show Profile  Reply
The SysInfo OST to PST Converter is a reliable and proven solution to import OST to Office 365 and other popular email clients. It is ideal for users looking to backup their OST files without needing Outlook. Featuring an easy-to-use interface, this tool offers a range of unique features that ensure accurate and straightforward conversion of OST files. Users can convert OST files to multiple formats, including PST, MBOX, CSV, PDF, MSG, and more. The OST to PST Converter also allows users to skip duplicate files and exclude email attachments, ensuring an accurate backup. Additionally, it includes a date filter for migrating OST data within a specific date range
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