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I m worried about How to convert my eml file to outlook pst files formats, but one of my friends recommended to used the eSoftTools EML Converter Tool software. With the help of this tool, I can simply convert my eml files to pst without facing any difficulty. It has amazing features that EXPORT EML to emlx, msg, mbox, office 365, Html, mhtml, etc. It can work with all windows and outlook editions. If users have any doubts then using its free trial pack in which they convert the first 25 items from each eml to others file formats free of cost.
I have gone through the free demo version of Cigati EML to PST Converter. I must say that it is one of the most amazing software that I ever experienced. It helps me to convert a few of my EML files into PST with the help of its demo version that allows you to convert 50 emails. One of the prominent features of this software utility is its interactive user interface. It smoothens my work and helps me to perform the whole task without any technical assistance. It has some amazing smart features that help in maintaining high data integrity along with its original structure. You can also try its free demo version to test its performance where it allows you to convert 50 emails in PST file format.