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I am receiving a Warning message "An error was encountered while optimizing your database: Error on action (4): DBISAM Engine Error # 111013 Access denied to table or backup file 'mlk_main'
This started happening about a week ago. How can I eliminate this message and what does it mean?
When I click OK the message goes away but I am concerned that things are not being saved or backed up. It is also a problem in that emails for my list are not being checked and replied to when the message appears until I dismiss it.
That error means that the database cannot be exclusively locked in order to optimize it. It does not affect backup or general usage. Most commonly it is because an anti-virus software momentarily locks the file to analyze its content.
It now appears the message isn't displayed when optimizing. A windows update was recently installed...I wonder if that might have fixed things. We'll give a try disabling ESET if it appears again.