If you are sharing an MLK mailing list amongst multiple MailList King installations then there are some settings you need to set.
Database Sharing and Performance (View > Options, Other)
1. Allow sharing of database
If you may have two users editing the mailing list at the same time enable this option to prevent collisions.
2. Limit database cache to 500 records
This option needs to be enabled for any database larger than 20,000 members, or 10,000 members if the database is being shared. While it reduces some functionality it greatly increase load and refresh speed
3. Disable automatic searching
Generally recommended when sharing large databases over the network
4. Use a different configuration for each database
When you are sharing a database, you probably also want to share your settings (i.e. so every MLK installation uses the same settings). So enable this option on each MLK installation so that the settings are stored with the database rather than on the local machine.
5. Optimistic Record Locking (Advanced)
If you have a lot of users editing your mailing list simultaneously then an advanced option is available to prevent problems accessing a member record that is currently open for editing.
See the OptimisticRecordLocking setting in Hidden Options
Nigel Xequte Software www.xequte.com nigel@xequte.com