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 Smart Pix Manager and MegaView
 Writing keywords to image IPTC metadata
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United Kingdom
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Posted - Jun 07 2007 :  10:08:14  Show Profile  Reply
I recently spent some time comparing image management programs with Smartpix (SPM). I was worried to discover that none of them were able to import the CSV text file keyword data which SPM 8.05 is able to export. I felt a bit 'locked in' to Smartpix.

Then I noticed that SPM 9 does offer the ability to write SPM keywords to IPTC metadata, so I am considering upgrading from ver 8.05 to 9.01. One thing I'm very interested in is being able to write the SPM keywords already assigned to my 2000 or so images, to the image metadata itself, automatically.

I'm not planning to abandon Smartpix Manager, but I realise that storing keywords in the images themselves is probably more future-proof than anything else.

Unfortunately, the trial version of SPM 9 I am testing prevents me from trying the new IPTC keyword writing ability directly. Please can you give me some more information instead?

For example:
--is there a limit to the number of Smartpix keywords that can be written to the IPTC Keywords field?
--if I use keyword groups in SPM, are these groups preserved too? (say using 'dot' notation like 'towns.london', 'towns.cardiff' etc)
--can I search for data in the IPTC metadata?
--which IPTC fields are written to when I 'export' from SPM?
--I assume I can write keywords to all the images in my database in one operation (providing they are writable).
--does the IPTC metadata write operation degrade the quality of the JPGs at all?

I look forward to your reply.

D Green


7042 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2007 :  19:06:15  Show Profile  Reply
Hi David

It's pretty disappointing that our competitors do not even support the universal CSV format

Regarding your questions:

--is there a limit to the number of Smartpix keywords that can be written to the IPTC Keywords field?

I don't have the IPTC documentation handy at the moment, but it's possible that there is a limit on the size of that field. Though it should support at least 25 typical keywords

--if I use keyword groups in SPM, are these groups preserved too? (say using 'dot' notation like 'towns.london', 'towns.cardiff' etc)


--can I search for data in the IPTC metadata?

Searching IPTC directly would be s-l-o-w, so that is why SPM imports any data in the descriptions into its own database, and searches that.

--which IPTC fields are written to when I 'export' from SPM?

Keywords and descriptions fields

--I assume I can write keywords to all the images in my database in one operation (providing they are writable).


--does the IPTC metadata write operation degrade the quality of the JPGs at all?

No, it doesn't touch the image portion of the file, only the IPTC header.

Xequte Software
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United Kingdom
5 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2007 :  02:38:59  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Nigel,

I have upgraded to SPM 9.01 and I've tried out the IPTC metadata writing functionality.

I was surprised to discover that Smartpix writes the keywords for each image into a single IPTC Keywords field as a comma separated string, like this:
IPTC keyword: pets,cat,dog,jim,fred, etc...

I was expecting each keyword to be written as a separate IPTC keyword:
IPTC keyword: pets
IPTC keyword: cat
IPTC keyword: dog
IPTC keyword: jim
IPTC keyword: fred

When I asked about this approach on the Controlled Vocabulary Yahoo group, I was told that:
"there can be some problems with all keywords lumped within a single field in an array.

If you do a search such as "keyword field 'starts with' XXXX" or
"keyword field 'ends with' XXXX", where XXXX = the keyword in question, then a comma separated string that has not been parsed will not show up except in the instances where the string starts with or ends with that particular term.

And in terms of searching and indexing, it is more efficient for each
keyword to be stored separately within the keyword bag-type field."

I've also been told that:
"All keywords separated by commas are in a single keyword item is a very bad practice [firstly, because a keyword item cannot be longer than 64 chars in IPTC/IIM]."

I'd welcome your comments on these points.

I'm concerned that even if my images now have Smartpix keywords written to their IPTC headers, the fact that they are merged into a single string is bad practice and might make future searching (of ITPC metadata keywords, perhaps from another application) next to impossible!

Please you can tell me anything about plans for moving Smartpix metadata writing to the newer 'IPTC Core' standard for metadata, based on Adobe's technical XMP framework. (I assume all the IPTC metadata are currently based on the older Information Interchange Model (IIM) standard.)

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7042 Posts

Posted - Jun 21 2007 :  03:18:56  Show Profile  Reply
Hi David

At the time when we implemented IPTC keyword support we researched the best way to handle it and the advice we got was that doing it in this way would be the least likely to cause compatibility problems.

The method you describe for IPTC keyword addition is supported in v9.10.

Xequte Software
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2 Posts

Posted - Mar 03 2012 :  08:54:44  Show Profile  Reply

You said here that in version 9 you started writing keywords into separage IPTC tags. I have version 11, and it is still using a single IPTC tag for all keywords, separated by comma.

What am I missing?


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7042 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2012 :  01:34:55  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Scott

Sorry, i'm not sure what i was referring to there. Smart Pix has always comma separated its keywords in IPTC.

What application are you looking to integrate with?

Xequte Software
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2 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2012 :  05:31:30  Show Profile  Reply
Wow, this may be a record slow response. Sorry.

My goal is to have many of my photos available through a cloud backup platform so that when I'm visiting family/friends I can simply bring my Kindle Fire or iPhone and browse/search the pictures. This would serve two purposes: 1) backup, and 2) sharing.

Searching the keywords is important to me because I use keywords and descriptions extensively to keep things organized. To me folders are too limiting, which is one of the reasons I use SPM.

Right now I'm leaning towards Picasa Web as the platform but I'm open to others. It would be great if SPM had an integration with a cloud that offered backup and Web-based viewing on various devices.

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7042 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2012 :  03:06:53  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Scott

We'll investigate alternative keyword storage methods for a later update.

Xequte Software
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Posted - Feb 14 2022 :  14:00:03  Show Profile  Reply
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Posted - Jul 08 2022 :  00:22:58  Show Profile  Reply
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United Kingdom
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Posted - Jul 18 2022 :  19:10:39  Show Profile  Reply
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United Kingdom
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Posted - Sep 13 2022 :  05:48:59  Show Profile  Reply
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Posted - May 25 2023 :  03:18:13  Show Profile  Reply
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1 Posts

Posted - Jun 02 2023 :  03:50:11  Show Profile  Reply
I think incorporating keywords into image IPTC metadata, such as 'best book writing company,' is a smart strategy. It not only helps photographers categorize their work effectively but also enables potential clients to find and engage with their images more easily. This approach enhances visibility and opens up opportunities for collaborations and exposure.
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