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'Address contains text from Invalid Checking List'
I get this message after importing an XLS file that was exported by MLK back into MLK.
Can anyone tell me what an 'invalid checking list' is? How can I ensure that these addresses are added? They are valid addresses and there are no funky characters or anything in them.
I have 9 separate databases and I am exporting them all to build 1 master DB.
Under View>Options, Blocking is a box titled "Invalid Email Checking". If any of the items in that list are found in an address when importing it is blocked.
You can review any blocked addresses (and add them if desired) under View>History and Errors, Errors tab.
Can you post some examples of the addresses that were flagged and I can explain in more detail.
The default blocklist contains: "hotmial" "nothanks"
If any of these items are found in the addresses when importing then it is flagged.
Items with spaces at the start of the end should import as MLK will automatically strip them. Spaces in the middle of any address indicate an error so MLK flags them.
Note I say "flagged" as they are only temporarily blocked. You can choose to add them later when reviewing the "Error" list.