Go read the FAQ... HA...
simple submission form = web page form + mail script = submission
web page - can just be an html form or can be html via PHP or ASP.
mail script - will need to be server side, PHP ASP CGI (depdends on what you have installed on your server. If you don't know, you probably want to have someone else write the script for you)
The fields on the form will become variables in the mail script.
The mail script will take the field info and post it into an e-mail that it creates and send it to the address that you want.
If you want to process it with MLK, then you will have it sent to the address you specified in MLK to process incoming mail. In the e-mail the script will send MLK, you will need to use an assigned 'key word' that MLK will recognize and process in a certain way (add, remove, change groups etc)
OK so for a recap..
web form -> enter info -> submit -> script takes entered info and enters it into an e-mail (you designed) and sends it to an address you instructed it to (MLK). 'MLK got mail' MLK sees key word, MLK preforms action associated with keyword, (add, change, remove). You just preformed 2500 adds, removes and changes all while surfing myspace :-)