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 Education of children with a Mexican residence per
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Posted - Dec 24 2024 :  14:27:12  Show Profile  Reply
I am planning to get a residence permit in Mexico and, of course, I am thinking about the future of my children. I am wondering what educational opportunities are open for children with a residence permit in Mexico? For example, is it possible to send a child to a Mexican school, and are there any peculiarities in this process for foreign residents?


18 Posts

Posted - Dec 24 2024 :  14:29:27  Show Profile  Reply
With a residence permit, a child can study in both public and private schools. In public schools the education is free, but it is worth considering that the education will be in Spanish and in some cases children may need help with adaptation. In private schools, tuition may be in English or other languages and there will be tuition fees, which can vary depending on the school and the level of education. Importantly, for foreign children, there is a school registration procedure that requires documents to prove the child's status, such as copies of passport and residence permit. In addition, in some cases, additional medical documents such as immunization certificates may be required in order for the child to attend school. For those seeking information on the process of obtaining a residence permit, including questions regarding children's education, detailed instructions can be found at https://www.fastmexresidency.com/.
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21 Posts

Posted - Dec 24 2024 :  14:44:17  Show Profile  Reply
About children's education in Mexico, I know that most schools are happy to accept foreign children. It is only important to find out in advance what documents are required, because sometimes there are small bureaucratic issues.
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