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Hey everyone! I’ve been clearing out my shelves and found a ton of used books I don’t need anymore. I’m based in New York City and was wondering if anyone knows good spots to sell used books here? Would prefer somewhere that’s straightforward and gives fair deals. Any recommendations?
Hey! Selling used books in NYC is actually easier than you think. There are plenty of local shops that buy books, and some online options are super convenient too. One great resource is this guide: It breaks down all your options, from local stores to online platforms, so you can figure out what works best for you. I’ve personally sold books through a mix of in-person stores and online sites, and both have their perks. Definitely check it out—it might save you a lot of time hunting around!
Selling books can be a great way to declutter and even make a little extra cash. Whether you go for local shops or online platforms, it’s worth exploring your options to get the best deal.