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 How to Import OST to Gmail
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Posted - Dec 19 2024 :  23:36:29  Show Profile  Reply
Importing OST to Gmail can be a challenging task due to the lack of direct compatibility between the two formats. The manual process involves several steps. First, you need to convert the OST file into PST format using Microsoft Outlook. Open Outlook, go to the File menu, select Open & Export, and then use the Import/Export Wizard to export the OST data to a PST file. Once the PST file is created, you can upload it to Gmail using the Google Workspace Migration Tool. However, this process is complex, time-consuming, and prone to errors. It requires advanced technical knowledge, and there’s always the risk of data loss or corruption.

To simplify the process, you can use the Cigati OST to PST Converter Tool. This tool allows you to convert OST files to PST format efficiently, maintaining data integrity. Once the PST file is created, you can easily import it into Gmail without hassle. The tool supports batch conversion, handles large OST files, and ensures data security throughout the process. It’s a reliable and user-friendly solution for users looking to import OST data into Gmail quickly and securely.
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