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Hi! I would like to start my own server to play Unturned, but I don’t know where to start. Is it possible to do it for free? I saw that some offer paid services, but I would like to find something free. Tell me, has anyone tried to create a server for this game without spending money? How does it even work? It would be great if it was possible to quickly set up a server and start playing without long settings and costs. Thanks in advance for your help!
I was also recently looking for such an opportunity. Actually, there is a good option - offers free hosting for Unturned servers. It is quite convenient, because you can set up a server in a few minutes and start playing without extra costs. All you need is to go to the site, register, and you immediately get access to a free server. The setup is very simple, you do not need to understand complex configurations. So if you want to quickly start, this is a great solution.