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If you are looking for best method to convert EML files into Single PST then you are on right page, the best method is to use eSoftTools EML to PST Converter software. It has lots of features which other software lacks. User can save the converted fioles into separate or in same file folder. This software can convert EML files into any format like - mbox, html, pst. Users can also migrate the conxcerted file into any email client software like - yahoo mail,dreamwork etc.
To Convert EML Files into PST Format? I would like to suggest you can also try ZOOK EML to PST Converter to Convert EML Files into PST Format. This is a perfect tool for users who want to migrate from EML email clients like Windows Live Mail, Apple Mail, Outlook Express, etc. to MS Outlook.
Convert EML to PST File by following the below steps:
1 Download & install ZOOK EML to PST Converter
2 Click Open> Email Data Files> EML Files or Folders.
3 Ass EML Files and Preview Emails in Different Modes
4 Click Export and Select PST from the multiple saving Options
5 .Now, Set a destination to store PST and Click on save button.