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 How to find a reliable contractor for air conditio
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Posted - Oct 25 2024 :  02:07:50  Show Profile  Reply

Hi everyone, I moved into a new house in Hobbs and now I need to install an air conditioner since it is very hot. I would like to find a reliable contractor to do everything with quality and no delays. I heard there are many offers in the market, but how to choose the best one? Maybe some of you have already encountered this and can advise? Especially interested in what to pay attention to and what questions to ask the contractor, so that then do not regret the choice. Thanks!


36 Posts

Posted - Oct 25 2024 :  03:30:34  Show Profile  Reply
Hi. I was looking for contractors to install an air conditioner a couple of months ago. I ended up finding the right professional through the Air Conditioning Contractors in Hobbs, NM directory. It's very convenient: on the website, you can quickly see information on all the companies that work in our area. There are reviews and contact information, so you can get in touch with the contractor right away and discuss all the details. I advise you to choose those who have a high rating and who give a guarantee for the work. It's also important that the contractor is willing to explain which systems are best for your home. I, for example, chose a model that not only cools but also helps save on energy costs.
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36 Posts

Posted - Oct 28 2024 :  01:38:16  Show Profile  Reply
This is a really handy tool when you need to find multiple options to compare. Personally, I recommend not only reading reviews, but also talking to those who have already used the services of your chosen contractor. I asked for customer contacts from the company when I installed my air conditioner - it helped to know how quickly they respond to any problems after installation. Also, don't hesitate to ask about warranties and terms of service.
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