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Good afternoon. I started my blog and I already have a lot of subscribers. I write about fishing - it's my hobby and I know a lot about it. I have a lot to share with my readers. But it takes too much time to write articles. What to do? How to fix it?
You can't! The whole point is that if you want to write really high-quality articles, you will have to spend time on it anyway. If you will be in a hurry, the result will be bad
Have you ever thought about hiring someone to write for you? You will come up with the topic and the plan of the article, and the text itself let him write. I do not think it will cost a lot
But then it will turn out that you're not really running this blog! Your subscribers will immediately notice how your slogan has changed and it is not a fact that they will continue to read you. Maybe you should use artificial intelligence to make your job easier? You can use here free ChatGPT: It will do the main work for you and you will only have to edit the article.