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 How can I fix a duplicate Outlook PST?
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United Kingdom
151 Posts

Posted - Sep 16 2024 :  20:37:18  Show Profile  Reply
To fix a duplicate Outlook PST file, follow these steps:
1. Identify the Duplicate PST File: In Outlook, open the File menu and navigate to "Account Settings" > "Data Files." Check for duplicate entries. If you find a duplicate PST file, you may want to decide whether to keep it or delete it, based on its content.
2. Remove the Duplicate Entries: You can manually delete duplicate items (emails, contacts, calendar entries) from the PST file. However, this can be time-consuming if there are many duplicates.
3. Use a Third-Party Tool: For a quicker and more efficient solution, consider using a duplicate remover for Outlook. These tools automatically detect and remove duplicate emails, contacts, and other items from your PST files, saving time and effort.
4. Merge or Archive PST Files: If the duplicate PST file contains important data, you may want to merge the contents of both PST files into one or archive the older one.
5. Prevent Future Duplication: To avoid duplicate PST files in the future, be cautious when importing data into Outlook and ensure you don’t accidentally create new data files.
By using a reliable duplicate remover for Outlook, you can efficiently manage and clean up duplicate PST files without the hassle of manual deletion.
Visit now- https://www.vsoftware.org/outlook-duplicate-remover.html
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