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Hey everyone! I've run into a bit of a snag here in NZ. Been on the lookout for a reliable place to snag a Samsung water filter. My current one decided to give up the ghost right as I was prepping for a big hosting gig this weekend. Nothing like a little tap water drama to spice up your day, right? Any shop recommendations around here would be a lifesaver! Thanks a bunch!
Oh no, water woes right before hosting—that’s classic! I had a similar drama when I was getting ready for a housewarming. Ended up finding my Samsung Water Filter . They were super quick with delivery, which was a relief! Here’s a little tip from my adventure: when you swap out the filter, double-check that it’s seated properly. I learned that lesson the hard way when my kitchen briefly turned into a water park! Hopefully, your installation goes more smoothly than mine did. Good luck with the hosting gig!