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 Best Way to Backup Hotmail Emails to Hard Drive
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Posted - Apr 30 2024 :  05:39:19  Show Profile  Reply
Using the Cigati Hotmail Backup Tool is a breeze. Here's how you can backup your Hotmail emails to your hard drive with just a few simple steps:

Download and install the Cigati Hotmail Backup Tool on your computer.
Launch the tool and select "Hotmail" as the email source.
Enter your Hotmail email address and password to connect the tool to your account securely.
Once connected, choose the emails you want to backup. You can select specific folders or set date ranges to filter your emails.
Next, choose the destination where you want to save your backup. You can select your hard drive or any other location on your computer.
Finally, click on the "Backup" button, and the tool will start backing up your Hotmail emails to your chosen destination.
That's it! The Cigati Hotmail Backup Tool will handle everything for you, ensuring that all your emails are safely backed up on your hard drive without any hassle. Plus, you can easily access and restore your backup whenever needed. It's the simplest and most reliable way to protect your Hotmail emails.
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