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If you are looking for a tool that can help you migrate your valuable data from Google Workspace to Office 365, you can use DRS G Suite to Office 365 Migration Tool. It can fulfill all the requirements of Google Apps/Google Workspace users and allows them to migrate Google mailbox emails into Office 365 with maintaining proper data integrity along with the working demonstration. This G Suite to Office 365 Migration Tool is helpful for you to perform the email migration from Google Apps to Office 365 account.
If you want to migrate the G Suite mailbox to Office 365 you have a few options to think about it. Either you can perform the migration task through a manual method or a professional third-party tool. But if we talk about manual migration, it is a bit complex process. To simplify the process, users can look for software like Shoviv G Suite to Office 365 migration tool.
CloudMigrationG Suite Backup Tool is the ideal tool for transferring Google Workspace to Office 365. This advanced tool lets users save G Suite files to a variety of file formats and email clients. Its user interface is extremely smooth, which is helpful, especially for non-technical users.
To migrate only emails from G Suite you can either use IMAP migration method or Google Workspace to Office 365 migration method. Both methods will do the work for migrating emails only. But with Google Workspace to Office 365 migration native method, you can migrate contacts, calendars and notes also. So if you are looking for the full migration, you can check out the below mentioned video.