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 Top Five Luxury Used Cars in Dubai

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Josephthomas066 Posted - Oct 02 2023 : 01:09:33
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about significant shifts in Dubai's luxury used car market. Experts attribute this transformation to several key factors.

Firstly, the increased availability of used luxury cars can be attributed to the mass exodus of residents from the city during the initial months of the pandemic. Many individuals returned to their home countries, resulting in a surplus of high-end vehicles in the local market.

Secondly, a global shortage of microchips disrupted the production of new car models, leading consumers to explore the used car segment as a viable option.
Here are the top five luxury used cars in Dubai that have garnered significant attention:

1. Range Rover Evoque

The Range Rover Evoque stands out as the most sought-after luxury used car in Dubai. Its enduring popularity is attributed to its contemporary style and modern appeal, which continues to resonate with buyers of older models. Additionally, the Evoque boasts surprisingly low maintenance costs.

Average price: Dh99,000

2. Porsche Cayenne

The Porsche Cayenne's reputation precedes it, making it a favorite among Dubai's luxury car enthusiasts. Its distinctive V8 engine produces an unmistakable growl that resonates with automotive aficionados. With its sleek interior and impressive practicality, the Cayenne is a strong contender in the luxury used car market.

Average price: Dh119,000

3. Jeep Wrangler

The Jeep Wrangler is another standout choice among Dubai's luxury used cars. This off-roading legend finds favor with buyers seeking thrilling dune bashing experiences. Its unrivaled off-road capabilities set it apart as a clear winner in this category.

Average price: Dh79,000

4. Audi Q5

Dubbed a top choice for families, the Audi Q5 has earned a reputation for its commitment to high safety standards. Its spacious interior and robust safety features make it an excellent choice for those looking for an all-around family car.

Average price: Dh74,000

5. Audi A3

The Audi A3 is a versatile favorite, appealing to a wide spectrum of buyers. Whether you're a first-time car owner, a family, or a luxury enthusiast, the A3 caters to your needs. Its compact size, smooth driving experience, and wellrounded performance make it an attractive option.

Average price: Dh49,000

In conclusion, Dubai's luxury used car market has experienced a notable surge in demand, driven by factors such as increased stock availability and the global chip shortage affecting new car production. These five luxury models have emerged as the front runners in this evolving landscape, each offering unique features and value to prospective buyers. If you are considering buying a new & used car in Dubai, Service My Car is your one-stop shop that caters to all your needs through cars for sale dubai service.