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 Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 to Microsoft 365

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
willjoe Posted - Mar 09 2023 : 01:58:55
Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 to Microsoft 365: Hybrid Migration Step-by-Step
Step 1: Verify You Own Your Domain In Microsoft 365.
Step 2: Start The Migration Process.
Step 3: Sync Your Directories To Create Users.
Step 4: Assign Microsoft 365 Licenses To Your Users.
Step 5: Start Migrating User Data.

To know more visit https://www.o365cloudexperts.com/blog/exchange-2013-to-office-365-migration/

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mia554 Posted - Jun 16 2023 : 18:30:31
Step 1: Verify domain ownership in Microsoft 365.
Step 2: Begin the migration process.
Step 3: Sync directories to create users.
Step 4: Assign Microsoft 365 licenses to your users.
Step 5: Start migrating user data.
Remember to check out the full article for detailed instructions. Good luck with your migration, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Site https://monkeymart.online/ wishes you success!
rosydam Posted - Apr 20 2023 : 02:24:20
Thanks for sharing this information about the Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 to Microsoft 365 hybrid migration process. This can be a helpful https://cut-therope.com guide for organizations looking to migrate their email services to the cloud. It's always important to ensure that you have ownership of your domain and that you properly sync your directories and assign licenses before migrating user data. This can help to ensure a smooth and successful migration with minimal disruption to your business operations. Thanks again for sharing!