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 5 Benefits of Music and Dancing for Preschoolers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
victoriaemmy Posted - Dec 06 2022 : 18:06:20
You can't help but smile if you've ever seen preschoolers moving to the music. They clearly enjoy the sensation of swaying to the music we play for them.

However, music and dance are much more than merely enjoyable pastimes for kids. Preschoolers can actually benefit greatly from taking part in these "performance arts". This is why:

1. Dance and music stimulate the brain
Through music, kids can learn new things including words, sounds, and patterns. They can also experiment with and have control over their movements through dance. These exercises are fantastic for growth and encourage neural connections in the developing brain.

2. It fosters communication abilities
Children learn social skills and how to connect with others when they are gathered together for songs, rhymes, and activities. They gain social and listening abilities that will help children feel more confident and more prepared for school.

3. Children can express themselves through music and dance.
Happy, tense, or worn out? Kids can express themselves and let their emotions out by participating in artistic activities. It's a wonderful chance for kids who can't yet express their ideas in words.
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