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 Mcafee vs windows defender

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Willjoe2442 Posted - Nov 24 2022 : 02:12:46
1. McAfee :
McAfee is a global security software company and one of the top name in antivirus software business. The name is based on its founder John McAfee, who founded the company in 1987. Its antivirus software suits are compatible with various operating systems like Windows, MAC, android, IOS. It is based on paid subscription service.

Pros of McAfee :

VPN is included in all subscription model.
It is supported in various operating systems like Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
Virus Protection Pledge money-back malware removal guarantee.

2. Windows Defender :
Windows Defender is the Microsoft proprietary antivirus and an integrated part of Windows 8/8.1/10 operating system. It is compatible only in windows operating system. It is absolutely free of cost as comes as the part of windows antimalware program. It provides better firewall protection.

Pros of Windows Defender :

Free real-time protection from viruses, malware, spyware.
It scans and reboots PC to eliminate persistent malware in offline also.
When in Windows there is no antivirus software is activated, it is activated automatically.
It includes a firewall and Find My Device so it is easy to locate, lock, or erase a Windows 10 PC.

To know more about mcafee vs windows defender, Visit: https://www.o365cloudexperts.com/blog/mcafee-to-microsoft-defender-migration