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 Office 365 endpoint management

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jimmywick Posted - Nov 17 2022 : 23:40:51
As regular readers of this blog are no doubt aware, companies of all sizes and in all industries are moving their applications, data storage, and compute resources to the cloud, motivated by the numerous well-known advantages of cloud computing.

What’s sometimes forgotten in all the attention on the cloud side of things is that users still need devices to take advantage of all those cloud benefits. These devices, collectively known by the somewhat geeky term “endpoints,” come in all shapes and sizes and can include desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones, not to mention on-premise servers, virtual machines, and innumerable internet-of-things (IoT) devices.

The traditional IT view of endpoints is that they are a necessary evil, and the evil is increased by the proliferation of device types and the growing use of personal devices in the workplace. Endpoint procurement, configuration, deployment, maintenance, security, and eventual decommissioning are major, expensive IT headaches.

Microsoft Cloud Endpoint Management Tools

Some of the tools that Microsoft provides related to endpoint management include:

Microsoft Endpoint Manager: This collection of tools provides IT staff with remote control of device hardware, operating system, and application settings for Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS devices, whether those devices are on the company’s local network or dispersed across the internet. Endpoint Manager also includes analytical tools that provide IT staff with visibility to configuration and performance issues.
Microsoft OneDrive: The well-known cloud storage service also includes tools that provide users with seamless integration between their local devices and OneDrive. Local folders and file shares can be mapped in the background to OneDrive folders so that the endpoint’s storage is merely a local cache for offline use rather than the user’s primary file storage location.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: One of the Microsoft 365 cloud security suite components, Defender for Endpoint, provides cyber attack detection and response capabilities for endpoint devices and generates alerts for security analysts to act on. When all endpoints are reporting potential attacks in real-time, analysts can see the big picture and take appropriate action.

To know more about office 365 endpoint management, visit:https://www.o365cloudexperts.com/blog/manage-application-lifecycle-with-ms-endpoint-manager