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 OST to PST Recovery Software

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
samsamithusa Posted - Aug 28 2021 : 03:28:33
You can easily recover OST file data without so much time this eSoftTools OST to PST Recovery Software can restore all deleted OST file data without any hassle and all so migrate OST file into PST file and many other multiple different file formats like MBOX, Yahoo, HTML, Gmail, MSG, EML, EMLX, and Office 365. Users can access this tool without any technical skills. Get a free demo version of this software.

Get Know More Info:- https://www.esofttools.com/ost-recovery/
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
petergroft Posted - Jun 18 2023 : 23:48:33
Converting OST (Offline Storage Table) files to PST (Personal Storage Table) files manually is a complex process that involves exporting the data from the OST file to a new PST file. It requires technical expertise and is recommended for advanced users. Here's a general outline of the manual conversion process:

Important Note: Before proceeding with manual conversion, it's crucial to create a backup of your OST file as the process involves potential risks of data loss or corruption.

Open Microsoft Outlook: Ensure that you have Microsoft Outlook installed and configured with a valid email account.

Create a new Outlook Data File (PST): In Outlook, go to "File" > "New" > "Outlook Data File." Choose "Office Outlook Personal Folders File (.pst)" as the file type and click "OK."

Export mailbox data to the new PST file: To export the data from the OST file to the newly created PST file, follow these steps:
a. In Outlook, go to "File" > "Open & Export" > "Import/Export."
b. Select "Export to a file" and click "Next."
c. Choose "Outlook Data File (.pst)" and click "Next."
d. Select the mailbox or folders you want to export from the OST file to the new PST file.
e. Choose the newly created PST file as the destination and specify any desired options.
f. Click "Finish" to start the export process.

Wait for the export process to complete: Depending on the size of the OST file and the amount of data being exported, the process may take some time. Ensure that you do not interrupt the process and let it complete.

Verify the converted PST file: Once the export process is finished, verify the data in the new PST file to ensure that it contains the desired mailbox data.

