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 Export Lotus Notes to Outlook

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
samsamithusa Posted - Aug 05 2021 : 07:48:00
Export Lotus Notes to Outlook with simple strides with brilliant arrangements, then trust this eSoftTools Lotus Notes to Outlook Converter device will turn out obviously for you. This item converts the picked Lotus Notes emails just as fixes the defiled or forever deleted NSF archives for several minutes. Any size of Lotus Notes NSF archive can be exported with no agitating impact. If you are a non-tech client, by then this utility is ideal for you.

Get Know More:- https://www.esofttools.com/lotus-notes-to-outlook.html
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
petergroft Posted - Jun 18 2023 : 23:23:09
To convert and export Lotus Notes data to Outlook manually, you can follow these steps:

Install Lotus Notes: Ensure that you have Lotus Notes installed on your computer, as it is required to access and export the data.

Open Lotus Notes and Export Data:
a. Launch Lotus Notes and open the mailbox or NSF (Notes Storage Facility) file containing the data you want to export.
b. In Lotus Notes, go to "File" > "Export."
c. In the Export dialog box, choose a location to save the exported data, select "Comma Separated Value" (CSV) or "Structured Text" as the file type, and click "OK."
d. Specify the data you want to export, such as emails, contacts, calendar entries, etc., and choose the appropriate options. Click "OK" to start the export process.
e. Follow the prompts and save the exported data to the specified location.

Convert CSV file to PST:
a. Launch Microsoft Outlook on the same computer where Lotus Notes is installed.
b. In Outlook, go to "File" > "Open & Export" > "Import/Export."
c. Choose "Import from another program or file" and click "Next."
d. Select "Comma Separated Values" as the file type and click "Next."
e. Browse to the location where you saved the exported CSV file from Lotus Notes.
f. Choose the desired options for handling duplicates and select the Outlook folder where you want to import the data. You can create a new folder specifically for the imported data if needed.
g. Click "Finish" to start the import process.

Verify the imported data: Once the import process is complete, navigate to the specified Outlook folder where you imported the Lotus Notes data. Verify that the emails, contacts, calendar entries, or other data have been successfully imported. Ensure that the data is intact and organized correctly.

