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 MailList King
 Multiple Email Accounts Revisited

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 03 2012 : 16:11:45
It would appear after searching the support forum that the request for multiple send email accounts has been discussed for years and never yet integrated into MLK.

In my corporate environment we would be maintaining approximately 20 databases of email accounts for our employees and customers. We handle a wide variety of products and have different divisions that handle those products.

If I am reading the forum correctly, the only solution you have is setting up MLK and running numerous copies of the database on the computer. I have dedicated a computer to this and I have found some problems with this.

Each time I add a new database ALL instances of MLK running load that database when other copies of MLK are restarted. In other words all 20 copies of MLK are showing all 20 databases. I can understand why and you would not think this to be a problem, but it is.

All instances of MLK also load ALL email sending accounts when the computer or MLK is retarted. In other words all 40 sending email accounts are showing up.

Numerous times when the computer is restarted all MLK instances are checking ALL 40 databases and have selected the first email sending account to handle the databases. I have to go in and one by one set up each instance of MLK again.

With this many databases running, MLK at times seems to have difficulty deleting some emails. It also appears to delete some emails from the wrong database. Further, I noticed that in forwarding of emails sometimes MLK forwarded the wrong emails to the wrong email account as if it was having trouble figuring out all the databases running at the same time.

Last issue was timing of the "checking of emails" which some instances of MLK are not following but instead seem to be following the time settings of the other instances of MLK running.

Finally the autoresponders sometimes get mixed up, since ALL instances of autoresponders show up in ALL MLK copies running. While this shouldn't be a problem, every once in a while I have noted that the correct email is being responded to by the wrong email account. In other words a wrong email account is replying to an email that should have been autoresponded to by a different email account.

This is not really an elegant solutions to handling email within a business environment.

Has this issue ever been addressed? If not is there any type of positive work around?
If it has not been addressed, has any true testing been done running multiple MLK instances on the same computer.

Last, is your corporate MLK designed to handle this type of business environment?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Mar 07 2012 : 15:27:05
Hi Bruce

I have replied to this on your other post:


Xequte Software
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 09:35:30
Has this ever been thoroughly tested? Did you run tests on it? Our 20 SEPARATE TOTAL INDEPENDENT DATABASES have on average 35,000 email addresses. Some are as small as 12,000 and one it as large as 335,000.

No problem with Memory and system resources.

Nigel, perhaps the better way to approach this is to ask for DOUBLE OPT IN and OUT, is there NO OTHER WAY of sending replies from different email addresses.

When someone requests to subscribe to a product letter, they do not expect to get a double opt in from a totally unrelated email account.

Our company has numerous divisions. Subscribers expect to get an email request FROM that division which is why I set up 20 SEPARATE TOTAL INDEPENDENT DATABASES. I found this the ONLY way to have the SEND EMAIL ADDRESS to be different for each subscribe opt in and out replies to be sent.

xequte Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 02:05:49
Hi Bruce

The only thing i can think of is that perhaps you are running out of resources??? How many instances of MLK are you running? What does Task Manager say?

In theory MLK instances using different databases and settings should have no effect on one another.

Xequte Software
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 04 2012 : 09:33:45
Hi Nigel
I thought was was being pretty clear but I guess not.
This are all different databases. Each database is completely different. Does that help to make this clearer.

Each database is separate from the other. Different fields, different information, different everything. Completely different methods for a member to enter the database.

All databases are marked that only one database can be joined. Yet all the same issues arise.

The only way they do not is if Mail list king is installed into a different folder and a completely different location. However after more than 6 instances of MLK running, there appear to be registry problems as often when launching MLK some instances will not launch but hang. It gets worse with the more instances of MLK running.

In other words, having many instances of MLK running to handle the ability to send from different email accounts for completely different databases does not work.
xequte Posted - Mar 04 2012 : 01:19:47

You should not use multiple instances to access the same database. It should only be used where each instance accesses its own database which in turn access their own email account (or distinct folder in Outlook). Generally this is only used when handling the mailing lists of multiple companies/organizations.

If your purpose is only to reduce the load on a single account then MLK can send to multiple servers/accounts in turn.

Xequte Software