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 MailList King
 Reading Emails That Are Marked Errors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 03 2012 : 13:27:07
I searched the MLK forum for an answer to this one, but couldn't find it.

When reviewing emails processed, the History and Errors section lists emails that have "processing errors".

However I cannot read the content of the emails to discover what was received and how it was not processed properly. Right now there are dozens of emails marked processing errors.

It would be very advantageous to be able to quickly read the text content of the emails to determine what they were marked processing errors so it can be corrected.

Any advice on this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Mar 06 2012 : 02:36:37

I'm afraid that the messages are not viewable within MLK, but it is a good idea for a future release.

Xequte Software
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 09:29:50
The messages are NOT set to delete.
How can they be viewed within MLK.

I want to see the messages in MLK. Where are they stored?
xequte Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 02:13:39

Assuming that you have specified the setting to delete the message after processing then it is no longer accessible:

Xequte Software
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 04 2012 : 09:46:33
I am using MLK as a standalone. There is no other email software on the computer. Where in MLK are the messages stored so they can be viewed?
xequte Posted - Mar 04 2012 : 01:28:06

Under View > Options, Email Processing, where does MLK retrieve your mailing list messages? If it is your email software then the message will be in your Deleted Items folder.

Xequte Software