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 Sending an auto reply with a incremented number?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Douggg Posted - Apr 25 2008 : 07:30:08
I want to use MLK to send out invitations to an event with a (counter) number on the invitation. (So first person would receive 101, second, 102, etc.)

I want to point out I have MLK set up at a colo site. I remote into the box to set up lists and do perform some remote management, but that’s rare. Most of what I do is through admin ping commands to MLK.

The way I am planning to do this is one of two ways with an auto responder.

First way is to create a web site, (www.invatation.com) with a form for people to fill in with Name, address, etc. The web site would then capture all of this and email it to an invite group on in MLK.

My goal is to have MLK auto respond with an email invitation and an invitation number.

I could have the web page generate the invitation number. The invite number could be sent to MLK using a custom field. MLK would then respond with the invitation with the invite number in the body using a custom field.

But I seem to remember MLK has a counter for responses. So I could use the MLK counter to generate the number and send the reply.

Does MLK have a counter?
Can the counter number be sent in the reply?
Is one way better than the other?
Is there a way for MLK to automatically send me an administrative email when a threshold number is reached?
Or a daily/hourly email with the counter number or number of people?

I think I remember reading there is a command to get the total for the number of people on a mailing list with an administrative email ping command. Or am I mistaken?

If not, is there a way to send an administrative ping command to get the (highest) value of a custom field?
Or all the values of a custom field?
How about Highest to lowest?
101 103
102 or 102
103 101

Completely different scenario, but related.
Suppose I wanted to accomplish the same thing using email instead of visiting a web page. (I’m thinking this would be better for people with mobile/phone devices.)
What I thinking is.... I would send out an email or tell people on a web page to send an email to invite@myMLKbox.com. People would send an email to MLK (this would have to be the default group or change the settings of “If a group is not specified” to auto respond.

Similar to my questions above; can MLK send a reply with a generic invitation but include an MLK generated invention number in the body of the message?
(I’m not after the name or other info, just the number of invasions sent out or people invited.)

When people arrive I want them to present the invitation (email) with the number.

My goal is not to collect info on the people but to track the number of people and not let anyone in unless they registered/have a number. (We are being paid on head count and the facility has a head count limit.)

You know in thinking about this…. If MLK can generate the invitation number both methods would work, web page and email registration. That way I could have people register in advance (web page), and at the door (mobile device sending an email). – That would be ideal.

In addition to my questions, any suggestions?


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xequte Posted - Apr 27 2008 : 03:04:22
Hi Doug

MLK does not have an auto-incrementing number for use, other than the Member ID. You can embed that in your replies. The advantage over your suggestion is that you can use it in email generated responses, as well as web form ones.

There are no options for automatically sending messages to admin in this area. You can use the ODBC driver to query the MLK database from a third party application.

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