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 Shifton for shift scheduling

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tbes50203 Posted - Jan 16 2025 : 03:52:46
Hi! I was wondering if anyone uses Shifton for shift scheduling and how do you manage to combine automated and manual scheduling? I work in a small team, but sometimes I have to manually make changes to the schedule because someone gets sick or is unexpectedly unable to come to work. It would be great if this could be automated, but I am worried that the software might not take into account all the nuances, such as unpredictable changes in the schedule. Does anyone have experience using Shifton in such situations?

love cookies
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thiefcrazy98 Posted - Jan 17 2025 : 04:38:41
I also recently started using Shifton and immediately noticed that the program is great for organizing schedules, but there are some things that require getting used to. For example, as you already said, if your team has unpredictable situations, sometimes the automatic scheduling does not always perfectly adjust shifts. I recently encountered a problem when we had an urgent case of illness, and the program did not offer enough suitable replacements, although I thought it would automatically select the right employee.

EvanDuke Posted - Jan 17 2025 : 03:46:59
I have been using https://shifton.com/shift-scheduling for over six months now, and frankly speaking, this app has made my life a lot easier. My colleagues and I work in a fairly large team and often face unpredictable changes in the schedule — someone gets sick, someone can’t go out for personal reasons, and so on. Previously, I spent a lot of time trying to manually make all these changes to the schedules, checking every day who works when. Now I use a combined approach: automatic scheduling for standard shifts and manual scheduling when I need to make some urgent adjustments. Automation really helps, but there is one thing when it comes to emergency situations. Shifton offers flexible settings, and you can set many parameters for automatic shift distribution. For example, you can set the program to take into account the preferences of employees (who works on weekends, who can’t in the morning, who takes additional shifts), and based on this data, the program itself adjusts the schedule. This is great, but when an unpredictable situation happens (someone gets sick, or someone doesn't show up for a shift), the app doesn't always correctly predict which employee will be suitable for replacement. For example, if the shifts vary greatly in workload, you need to manually substitute a more experienced employee. I've found that in such cases, it's best to first use automatic scheduling for regular workdays, and then, when unpredictable changes occur, still leave the option to manually select an employee for replacement. Fortunately, schedule generator work makes it easy - you can simply select the desired employee and replace him with another one without losing the overall structure of the schedule. It looks like an improved Excel spreadsheet, but much faster and more convenient.

western uno