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 Why Giant's Blood is a Great Keystone in Path of E

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jennie Caddel Posted - Jan 01 2025 : 18:28:51
Even with the drawbacks, Giant's Blood is a great buildcrafting tool because it unlocks many options. Normally, two-handed weapons come with the downside of not allowing players to use Path of Exile 2's shields and foci, thus giving up some defenses for what is typically more offense. In the case of Giant's Blood, players once again have the opportunity to choose between going ultra-offensive by dual-wielding two-handed weapons or using cheap poe 2 orb https://www.u4gm.com/path-of-exile-2-currency with a shield.
Not only that, but there will be more scenarios where Giant's Blood becomes even more interesting further down the line when weapon types like Swords and Spears are added, as there will also be more Uniques to choose from. As it stands, Giant's Blood can make Path of Exile 2's bosses feel less imposing, as they are usually much bigger than the player character. Instead, dual-wielding two-handed weapons or using them with a shield helps reduce the visual impact of the bosses' size, to a degree, while also giving players new tools that were never previously available in Path of Exile.
If you're looking to dive deeper into Path of Exile 2 and explore more build possibilities, consider checking out sites like https://www.u4gm.com/, where you can find additional guides, cheap path of exile 2 orbhttps://www.u4gm.com/path-of-exile-2-currency:, and advice for creating the best builds. With Path of Exile 2 still evolving, the future holds even more exciting possibilities, and there's no better time to start experimenting with powerful, unique builds like those enabled by Giant's Blood.

If you want to know more, you can read this article: Woolie’s Armor Break Warbringer Build in Path of Exile 2: A Powerful Melee Guidehttps://www.u4gm.com/path-of-exile-2/blog-woolie-s-armor-break-warbringer-build-in-path-of-exile-2-a-powerful-melee-guide
