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 Attracting International Investment to Ukraine

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
milkesilo Posted - Dec 28 2024 : 05:40:03

Given the situation in Ukraine and the ongoing recovery efforts, I was wondering how well Ukrainian companies are positioned to attract international investment. I have read that several international private equity funds are interested in investing in Ukrainian companies, but the question remains: do these companies have the necessary infrastructure and management to meet the high standards set by these investors?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vinsent78 Posted - Dec 28 2024 : 07:24:38
This is not just a minor inconvenience; it can lead to serious disruptions, making businesses appear less stable. However, some companies are proving that they can adapt and meet the strict standards required by international investors. For anyone interested in learning more about how Ukrainian businesses are coping with these challenges and preparing for foreign investment, I highly recommend reading Aleksandr Katsuba’s article. In the article, he discusses the challenges businesses face in Ukraine and how to overcome them. You can read it here: Aleksandr Katsuba, owner of Alpha Gas https://www.newsbreak.com/mh-rifad-1592800/3682364906588-aleksandr-katsuba-on-whether-ukrainian-businesses-are-ready-for-investments-and-international-contra . He offers valuable insight into the steps companies need to take to become investment-ready and highlights some successful examples of Ukrainian companies adapting to international standards.
milkesilo Posted - Dec 28 2024 : 07:23:19
With frequent power outages, businesses that rely on generators can be seen as high-risk investments. Do you think this issue will deter foreign investors or are Ukrainian companies still looking for ways to demonstrate their resilience and adaptability?
Filser Posted - Dec 28 2024 : 07:22:38
I have read about this issue too, and it seems that many Ukrainian companies are facing serious problems in meeting the expectations of international investors. According to Alexander Katsuba, only a small proportion of companies are considered investment-ready due to gaps in financial reporting and corporate governance.