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 How to create a resume for an engineer?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
endy5 Posted - Dec 13 2024 : 01:15:09

Hi! I am an engineer and I am looking for a job. But when I tried to create my resume, I had problems. I do not know how to properly present my achievements and skills. Tell me where to start so that the resume looks professional and attracts the attention of recruiters?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ben4354 Posted - Dec 13 2024 : 09:37:09
The platform really helps with creating a resume, but I especially liked that it does not just offer templates, but takes into account the specifics of various engineering areas. In addition, the platform gives advice on career development and improving skills, which is also very important in our profession. The resume turned out to be well-written and attractive to employers, and literally a month later I received offers from several companies.
veron Posted - Dec 13 2024 : 09:26:50
An engineer's resume should be clear and structured. For example, the platform https://engineernow.org/ is a unique tool created by professional engineers, recruiters and career coaches. It not only helps to format a resume, but also provides advice on every detail. You can choose a template that matches your specialization, and the system will automatically suggest which skills and achievements are important to highlight for a specific vacancy. I used this platform to create my resume, and it really sped up the job search process.