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 Politics in games

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
endy5 Posted - Dec 02 2024 : 01:04:23

Guys, I noticed that modern games often have references to politics. For example, one game had a plot that was very similar to the recent US elections. Are the developers doing this on purpose to raise hype? Or are they just taking topics that are on everyone's lips? What do you think?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
veron Posted - Dec 02 2024 : 03:29:38
Politics in games isn't just about hype. Sometimes developers try to convey something important through such plots. Although not everyone likes it, of course. But I like it when such references are made unobtrusively, without moralizing. It gives an opportunity to look at the situation differently. And, by the way, many games then start to be discussed on forums because of such topics, so it's also a cool way to involve players.
Ben4354 Posted - Dec 02 2024 : 02:58:12
I think they are doing this on purpose. Politics is a hot topic, and many people want to see it reflected in games so that everything seems closer to real life. This attracts more players, especially if the plot is twisted around something familiar. By the way, there is a cool article on this topic. It directly explains how political events, especially in the USA, affect the plots in online games. Here, read it: https://www.techwelike.com/2024/11/how-us-political-events-affect-online-games-themes-and-storytelling/ . This is an attempt to evoke emotions and discussions among players.