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 Where to get mods for gta 5?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KevinJohnson Posted - Nov 24 2024 : 05:12:28
Hello everyone, maybe someone has encountered the search for mods for GTA 5, where do you look for them? Are there any proven resources or perhaps YouTube channels where you can view these mods, download them and install them with the least hassle?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GregIvory Posted - Nov 24 2024 : 05:18:46
Hi, my friend faced the same problem, and probably there is no game that he would play without mods, initially he also searched for different mods and textures for GTA 5 on YouTube or TikTok. However, very often they either did not work, or something was missing in the files, or there were some problems with Google Drive and Mega, where they are often left for downloading (I heard enough of this in Discord). Therefore, he began to use ready-made solutions like this https://fivemods.io/library. He just looks at what he likes, makes a couple of clicks and the installation happens by itself, it seems to me that this and similar resources are simply a must have for both a beginner and a "veteran".